Sample State School's Preparatory program is a full time program. Children attend prep from Monday to Friday during normal school hours.
The preparatory year is the important first year of schooling. Children must turn five by 30 June in the year they commence prep. View the Department of Education's prep ready reckoner calculator to determine when your child can commence their preparatory year.
Our prep classrooms are noted for the friendly atmosphere of child centred learning. We pride ourselves on the close relationship we have with parents and the greater community.
We boast modern facilities and promote a wide range of programs.
Sample State School we foster:
- Excellence in teaching and learning
- Energetic, caring and professional teaching staff
- Specially designed prep classrooms with carefully selected resources
- Modern technology facilities
- Inquiry based, child centred programs inspired by your child’s interests
- Innovative curriculum with a strong focus on foundation literacy and numeracy skills
In addition, see our
Prep information booklet (PDF, 13MB) for more information.
Prep Enrolments
1. Complete enrolment forms
For prep applications, please complete and return the following documents:
2. Provide proof of residency
We also request the following supporting documentation to complete your application:
- Birth Certificate (orignial to be sighted or certified copy acceptable)
- Proof of Residence
- either a current rates notice or current tenancy agreement
- utilities account notice e.g. electricity, telephone.
3. The enrolment interview
If you require an enrolment meeting with a Deputy Principal please phone the office on (07) 5471 9300.
At the enrolment meeting you will have the opportunity to:
- discuss the needs of your child to make the best start possible at Sample State School
- take a short tour of the school
- discuss the details on your enrolment application
- discuss uniforms, books and any other costs.
Important information for you to read and understand when enrolling at Sample: